How To Write the Perfect Instagram Bio - 3 Things You Didn’t Know

When most people hear “Instagram audit,” they picture a colour palette makeover or a caption rewrite. But unfortunately it is much more that that:

Only the First Line of Your Caption is SEO-Friendly

It’s a common misconception that your entire Instagram caption is searchable, but in reality, Instagram’s algorithm only indexes the account name and username for SEO purposes. This means that while your poetic, introduction might feel encompassing, it’s not helping your discoverability.

Why This Matters: The first line (your “Name”) is your SEO goldmine, so treat it like a headline that draws in your audience and includes targeted keywords relevant to your brand. Instagram pulls these keywords into its algorithm to show your content to users who are searching for or engaging with similar topics. Every. Single. Character. Matters.

Instead of: Sarah Jones 🌼 Your Friendly Website Designer Try: Sarah, Squarespace Website Design & Templates

In the first example, the emoji and the “Your” are not SEO helpful. I’m not kidding. Every character matters. Leave out anything that isn’t a keyword or what people would search (like your name). Do not include certifications or anything like that because people aren’t searching this. That can live in the main text of your bio.

Example For Hotels: [Hotel Name] Whistler Boutique Hotel

Example For Wellness Brands: [Spa Name], Whistler

Example For Most Industries: [Your Name], Main Service

For location-based businesses, definitely include your location.

Emojis are Fun but Not Functional 😢

We all love emojis—they’re playful, visual, and help break up text-heavy captions. But Instagram doesn’t “read” emojis the way we do. While they may be engaging to the eye, they don’t contribute to your SEO or caption discoverability at all.

If your captions are emoji-heavy, especially in the first line (remember that SEO goldmine), you’re actually losing an opportunity to use valuable keywords that Instagram can index. While emojis can add a personal touch, they shouldn’t replace meaningful, keyword-driven content, and they should always come at the end of a line if you are going to use some.

Whatever the emoji is labelled as in the “system” is what search engines may read. And the less they have to read to determine who you are and what you do, the better. Please note, this one is not a proven fact, but it is relevant for other platforms outside of Instagram, and therefore we would be remiss not to pay attention.

The Rest is a Free-For-All. There are no rules.

We’ve all been inundated with rigid formulas for the perfect bio, but in reality there are no rules. AND you can change it as often as you like!

If you’re anything like me, you might find yourself lost in the sea of others’ bios, overwhelmed and stripped of creativity. But remember, your bio should reflect who you are and what your business stands for—nothing more, nothing less.

Feel free to list your services or craft a “we help” statement, but don’t shy away from being uniquely you. Clarity about what you do, coupled with a sprinkle of personality, is all you need to stand out.


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